
Our season starts each year in October. Two contracts (or one if sent by email) are sent out to each tenant to sign and have witnessed. The witness can be a friend, or a family member as long as they do not live at the same address as you. One copy is returned to us to keep on file, while the other is kept by the tenant for their information. Once the contract has been signed and returned and the fees have been paid, you can start on the allotments.

Our contract is quite wordy, and has changed quite a lot over the past few years. I used to post up a sample contract but I am well aware of other people using my contract for their allotments, so I have stopped.

If you would like to see a contract (or copy from my contract) please email me and be honest about why you want to see it.

If you would like help setting up an allotment, I charge £20 per hour consultation fee.

Contact Details

Blackadon Farm, Horningtops, Liskeard


PL14 3PY